Marooned – 2022

Marooned was born on May 19, 2022 to Optimist Halsnaes (DK) FJ and Ametyste d’Ober FJ to Merlin (DE) FJ.

Curious filly, sweet and very close to us, she makes us crack!

Her model is compact and harmonious and she shows beautiful gaits and energy.

Meddle – 2022

Meddle was born on April 26, 2022 to Optimist Halsnaes (DK) FJ and Chloe d’Ober FJ to Merlin (DE) FJ.

Lively, curious foal, very close to us, he has blood and character.

Large limbs give him a beautiful ease in his gaits. Son of Chloé, he could potentially be tall. A foal to follow.

LadyHawk – 2021

LadyHawk was born on April 17, 2021 to Optimist Halsnaes (DK) FJ and Chloe d’Ober FJ to Merlin (DE) FJ.

Pretty filly, elegant, expressive, naturally balanced when she moves.

Her personality is asserted within the group (a future leader ?!) while being close to us and her ½ brother JustForYu.

She measures 1.38m at 16 months and looks set to be tall.

LadyHawk is a filly that we are impatient to see grow up because she’s promising.

LedZep – 2021

LedZep was born on April 08, 2021 by Optimist Halsnaes (DK) FJ and Armonie d’Ober FJ by Valdemann (NOR) FJ.

Observer, calm, leaving the leading role to LastNight, he is within the group of 3 foals and watches everything that happens.

He sometimes expresses his joy and shows us his beautiful energy by beautiful gallops and beautiful kicks.

Seeking contacts and caresses, he is sometimes teasing.

Like his brother LastNight, he was gelded  at 5 months old.

He measures 1.35m at 16 months old.

LastNight – 2021

LastNight was born on March 27, 2021 by Optimist Halsnaes (DK) FJ and Ametyste d’Ober FJ by Merlin (DE) FJ.

LastNight is a curious colt, going very quickly to meet LedZep and LadyHawk. Very close to human from the beginning, we very quickly gave him the nickname of PR for Public Relations.

He is calm, pragmatic but nevertheless knows how to assert his presence within the group.

He was gelded at 5 months old.

A beautiful topline and 3 pretty gaits are promising for its future development. He will be tall, already measuring 1.40m at 16 months.

A foal with great potential, no doubt about it.

Fjord French Regional Championship:

  • 2021 : number 1 – 40/50
  • 2022: number 1 -41/50

Jingle – 2019

Jingle is born on April 29, 2019 by Fjellkaisar (NO) FJ and Armonie d’Ober FJ by Valdemann (NO) FJ.

She was the smallest of the 2019 foals which never stopped her from being the leader among her two brothers and, after weaning, among the two year old foals.

She is a pretty, teasing, bubbly, adorable filly who founds her soul mate in the person of 12-year-old Laure, who became her owner in April 2022.

Jingle and Laure, with the help in the early days of her mother who will continue to work well on the filly, will build, in the Paris region, a beautiful story that we look forward to following…

Gin -2016

Gin de Malfournier FJ, filly born on 05/17/2016, by PLUTON D’OBER FJ and AMETYSTE D’OBER FJ by MERLIN (DE) FJ – SOLD

Gin is an adorable filly, who have found in Nathalie her soul mate in September 2020.

As a perfect rider, Nathalie will be able to make Gin progress both in dressage and jumping, and Gin really loves to work with her.

We’re so lucky that she stays in Puy de Dôme, so that we  will be able to see the couple evolution and progress, that makes us so happy.

Thanks a lot Nathalie for your trust. We wish you both a lot of fun together !

Feelings – 2015

Feelings Malfournier FJ, by Edwin (NL) FJ and Klosterhof’s Wilhelmine (DE) FJ by Stedjeblakken FJ, is born on May 17, 2015.

She is the first filly of our breeding program.

Feelings is an adorable filly, very close to humans, willingly joking which earned her the nickname little “Feelou” – “filou” is trickster in french.

Feelings measures 1.45m and if it takes a few more centimeters it will remain smaller than its mother, of which it nevertheless has the model.

Presented at one year in Leisure Label and then in two years in Leisure qualification, she is not afraid of anything, performs all the exercises with curiosity and happiness – She is “Selection” in Leisure label (and even Elite in Friendly Leisure Label).

Feelings measures 1.46m and if she really started work the year she was 6 years old, she shows great predispositions in dressage.

Her first amateur competitions are intresting and she never ceases to amaze us. She has the potential and the character to perform in the future !

Feelings is also a labeled France Dressage mare since August 2022.

JustForYu – 2019

JustForYu is born on April 19, 2019 by Fjellkaisar (NO) FJ and Chloé d’Ober FJ by Merlin (DE) FJ.

JustForYu will be tall – he seems to be following in the footsteps of his half-brother Hercule for the moment.

Very curious, he is always in the front row, whatever happens and if he does not push the others, he always comes back calmly without being impressed by the speed of the other foals.

He is calm and thoughfull, which does not prevent him from having character – rarely the first to do an exercise, he prefers to observe what is happening with others, while being glued to us …

JustForYu has grown a lot, which makes difficult to assess its future model. He has pretty gaits and lots of potential for this so nice colt who never ceases to amaze us.

JustForYu is the first Fjord horse to have participated in the French 3-year-old Sport Championship organized by the FPPCF (Federation of Ponies & Small Horses of France) during the Sologn’Pony 2022 in Lamotte Beuvron.

JustForYu did us so proud and, if he misses the podium by a hair, finishing 4th out of seven ponies in section E, he obtains superb results with:

  • The SECOND NOTE at the RIDIND GAIT: 15/20

Jazzman – 2019

Jazzman is born on April 19, 2019 by Fjellkaisar (NO) FJ and Ober FJ’s Amétyste by Merlin (DE) FJ.

Jazzman is the biggest foal we ever had – we had to help Amétyste during foaling, which is exceptional !

We castrated him at one year because of a few rare white hair on his head, but this foal has a very nice conformation, sporty, which should continue to develop in a good way.

He is a posed, elegant foal, inseparable from his half-brother JustForYu but who also plays a lot with his real brother InXS since they both have the same parents … and the same birthday!

During his breaking in, he met his future owner Gwenaelle and was sold in June 2022.

A nice colt, tall, harmonious, with good gaits and good jumping skills, he is still in the Puy de Dômes which allows us to see this couple grow. We wish them to share wonderful emotions together.